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Class 6 Science Ncert Chap 2 SOLUTION



Chapter 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD of SCIENCE NCERT of CLASS 6 complete solution and some important points are given. This will help student to understand the topics of CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD of Class 6. Students can solve the textbook Questions easily and understand all the important points of chapter.


Important points of CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD of Class 6 Science NCERT.

(a)Roughage:- The fibre content of the food.

(b)Food Components:- All the nutrients which is  present in the food.

(c) Deficiency disease:-Disease occur due to lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

(d) Dehydration:-  A condition in which our body looses large amount of water.

(e)Anaemia:-A condition in which haemoglobin count decreases in blood.

(f)Diet:- The food we eat in a day.

(g)Energy:- Energy is the capacity to do work.

(h)Balanced diet:-A diet which provides the proportion of all the nutrients that our body need along with roughage and water.

These are some important points of CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD of Class 6 Science NCERT.

Here is the answer of textbook Questions of Chapter 2

Ques1. Name the major nutrients in our food.
The major nutrients in our food are proteins,vitamins, carbohydrates,fats and minerals.


Ques 2.Name the following.

(a)The nutrients which mainly give energy to our body.
(b)The nutrients that are needed for the growth and maintenance of our body.
(c)A vitamin required for maintaining good eyesight.
(d)A mineral that is required for keeping our bone healthy.

(a) Carbohydrates and Fats
(b)Proteins and minerals
(c)Vitamin A

Ques 3.Name two food each rich in:-
(a) Fats
(b) Starch
(c)Dietary fibre

Ans.(a). Ghee,butter
(b)Raw potato,rice
(c)Raw vegetables, Whole grains.
(d) Milk,fish

Ques.4 Tick (✓) the statement that are correct and (×) the statement that are wrong.
(a) By eating rice alone,we can fulfil nutritional requirement of our body.
(b) Deficiency disease can be prevented by eating balanced diet.
(c)Balanced diet for the body should contain variety of food items.
(d)Meat alone is sufficient to provide all nutrients to the body.


Ques 5.Fill in the blanks
(a)_________is caused by deficiency of vitamin D.
(b) Deficiency of_________cause a disease known as Beriberi.
(c) Deficiency of Vitamin C cause a disease known as _________
(d)Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of  _________ in our food.

(b) Vitamin B
(d)Vitamin A
This is the complete solution of textbook questions of CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD
Of SCIENCE NCERT of class 6.
Here is some extra Questions which are generally asked.


Ques.1 How can we test the presence of protein in given food item.

Ans.Test for protein.

(a)Take small quantity of food items to be tested.
(b)Grind the food item.
(c)Put the food item into the test tube.
(d)Add 10 drops of water to the test tube and shake well.
(e)Add 10 drops of copper sulphate Solution and 10 drops of caustic soda solution to the test tube and shake well.
(f) Observe the colour of the mixture.
VIOLET COLOUR indicate the presence of PROTEIN in the tested food item.

Ques 2.How can we test the presence of fat in given food item.
(a)Take a small quantity of food item to be tested.
(b)Rub the food on piece of paper.
(c)Dry the paper by keeping it in sunlight for sometime.
(d)Observe the paper.
Oily patch on the paper=Presence of Fat.
No oily patch =No fat.

Ques 3. Write test for detecting the presence of Starch.

Ans. Take a piece of the food.Put 2-3 drops of Dilute Iodine solution on it.If the colour of the food items becomes BLUE BLACK,then it indicates the presence of starch into the food item.
(i) Food + iodine= Blue Black colour (starch present)
(ii)Food+iodine+No Blue Black colour(no starch present).

QUES. 4. What is obesity?

Ans. When a person eats too much fat containing food,then the food gets deposited in his body and he may end up suffering from a condition called obesity.

Ques 5. What are deficiency disease?

Ans. When a person eats such a food continuously for a long time which may not contain a particular nutrient, then this condition is called deficiency of that nutrition.Deficiency of one or more nutrients can cause diseases or disorders in our body. Such type of diseases are known as Deficiency diseases.

Ques 6. Write the functions and sources  of water.

Ans. FUNCTIONS: (i)Water helps our body to absorb nutrients from food.
(ii)It also helps in throwing out some waste from body as urine and sweat.

SOURCES:(i)Liquid we drink such as water,milk,and tea.
(ii)Cooked foods

This is the complete solution and some important points of CHAPTER 2 COMPONENTS OF FOOD OF CLASS 6 SCIENCE(NCERT).The soution is given according to latest syllabus of CBSE 2020-21.




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