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Chapter 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM of SCIENCE NCERT of CLASS 8 complete solution and some important points are given. This will help student to understand the topics of CHAPTER 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM of Class 8. Students can solve the textbook Questions easily and understand all the important points of chapter.


Important points of CHAPTER 5  COAL AND PETROLEUM of Class 8 Science NCERT.

(a) Fossil fuel:- These were formed from the dead remains of living organisms (fossils).So,these are known as Fossil fuels.

(b) Coal:-  Coal is one of the fuels used to cook food. Earlier, it was used in railway engines to produce steam to run the engine.It is also  used in the thermal power plants to produce electricity.Coal is also used as a fuel in various industries.

(c) Coke:- It is tough, porous and black substance.It is an almost pure form of carbon.

(d)Coal Tar:- It is black,thick liquid with an unpleasant small.It is a mixture of about 200 substance.

(e)Coal Gas:-  Coal Gas is obtained during the processing of coal to get coke.It is used as a fuel in many industries situated near the coal processing plants.

(f) Petroleum:- Petroleum is a dark oily liquid.It has an unpleasant  smell.It is a mixture of various constituents such as Petroleum gas,Petrol, diesel, lubricating oil,paraffin wax,etc.

(g) Petroleum Refinery:- The process of seperating of the various constituents /fractions of Petroleum is known as Refinery.It is carried out in a Petroleum refinery.

(h)Natural Gas:- Natural Gas is a very important fossil fuel because it is easy to transport through pipes.Natural gas is stored under high pressure as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

These are some important points of CHAPTER 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM  of Class  8 Science NCERT.

Here is the answer of textbook Questions of Chapter 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM.

Ques 1. What are the advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels?

Ans. The advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels are:-
(a) They are more efficient.
(b) They can easily be transported either in cyclinder or through pipe lines.
(c)They are less polluting than any other fossil fuels.

Ques 2. Name the Petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.

Ans.  Bitumen is the Petroleum product used for surfacing of roads.

Ques 3. Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation.What is this process called?

Ans. About 300 million years ago the earth had dense forest in low lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes like flooding,these forests got buried under the soil. As more soil deposited over them,they were compressed. The temperature also rise as they sank deeper and deeper. Under high pressure  and high temperature dead plants got slowly converted to coal. As coal contains mainly carbon,the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called Carbonisation.

Ques 4. Fill in the blanks:-
(a) Fossil  fuels are________,__________and _________.
(b) Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called________.

(c)Least polluting fuel for vehicle is_________.

(a) Coal, petroleum and Natural Gas.
(b)  Refining.
(c) CNG 

Ques 5. Tick true/false against the following statements.
(a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory (T/F).
(b)CNG is more polluting fuel than petrol.(T/F)
(c) Coke is almost pure form of carbon.(T/F)
(d) Coal tar is a mixture of various substance.(T/F)
(e) Kerosene is not a fossil fuel.(T/F)

Ans.(a). False
(b) False 
(c) True.
(d)  False
(e) True

Ques 6. Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

Ans. It takes million of years for the formation of fossil fuels.The rate at which we are using them is very fast as compared to their rate of formation. Due to this fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

Ques 7. Describe characteristics and uses of coke.
Ans. Characteristics.
(a) It is tough,porous and black substance.
(b) It is an almost pure form of carbon.

(a) Coke is used in the manufacturing of steel and in the extraction of many metals.

Ques 8. Explain the process of formation of petroleum.
Ans. Petroleum was formed from organisms living in the sea.As these organisms died,their bodies settled at the bottom of the sea and got covered with layers of sand and lay over million of years, absence of air,high temperature and high pressure transformed the dead organisms  into petroleum and natural gas.

QUES 9. The following table shows the total power shortage in India from 1993–1999. Show the data in the form of a graph. Plot shortage percentage for the years on the Y-axis and the year on the X-axis.

S.No.YearShortage (%)


Image showing the total power shortage in India

This is the complete solution of textbook questions of CHAPTER 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM
Of SCIENCE NCERT of class 8.
Here is some extra Questions which are generally asked.


Ques 1. Differentiate between inexhaustible and exhaustible resources.
Ans. Inexhaustible Resources.
(a)  These resources are present in unlimited quantity in nature.
(b) They cannot be finished.
For example: sunlight,air,water etc.

Exhaustible resources
(a)  The resources are present in limited quantity in nature.
(b) They can be finished.
For example:   forest,mineral,coal , Petroleum,wildlife, natural gas,etc.

Ques. 2.  Write the full form of LPG, CNG and PCRA.

Ans. LPG:  Liquified Petroleum Gas
CNG: Compressed natural gas.
PCRA:  Petroleum  Conservation Reasearch Association.

Ques. 3 Can coal, Petroleum and natural gas be prepared in the laboratory from dead organisms.
No, their formation is very slow process and  conditions for their formation can be created in the laboratory.

Ques 4 .What are the products obtained from coal?
Ans.  Coke,coal tar and coal gas.

Ques 5 . Why is compressed natural gas so called?
Ans.  Natural gas is filled in cyclinder for transportation with very high pressure. Therefore,Natural gas is called Compressed Natural Gas.

Ques 6. Why petroleum is often referred as the 'Black Gold'?
Ans.  Many useful substances are obtained from petroleum and natural gas. These are termed as petrochemical. These are used in the manufacture of detergents, fibre (polymer,nylon,acrylic, etc). Polythene and other man made plastic. Due to its great commercial importance. Petrochemical is also called 'Black Gold'.

This is the complete solution and some important points of CHAPTER 5 COAL AND PETROLEUM OF CLASS 8 SCIENCE(NCERT).The soution is given according to latest syllabus of CBSE 2020-21.




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