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Class 7 Science NCERT CHAPTER 1 Solution



Here is some important points and answer of chapter 1 NUTRITION IN PLANTS NCERT science of class 7 which helps students to better understand topics of chapter 1 NUTRITION IN PLANTS.

1) Autotrophic:- The mode of nutrition in which organisms  organism can make their food by them self from simple substance are called autotrophic.
2) Chlorophyll:- Green pigment which present in leaves and captures the energy of sunlight is called Chlorophyll.
3)Heterotrophs:- Organisms take food from others like plants and other animals are called Heterotrophs.
4)Host:-Organisms on which other organism live and take their nutrients are called host.
5)Insectivores:- Those plants which take their some nutrients from insects by trapping them are called Insectivores.
6) Nutrient:- Energy giving components like Protein, carbohydrate etc are called nutrients.
7) Nutrition:- Nutrition is mode of take food  by  an organism and its utilisation by bodybuilding.
8) Parasite:- Organism which take food from host plants (without killing them) are called parasite. Example:- cuscuta.
9) Photosynthesis:-  synthesis of food in the presence of sunlight and Chlorophyll with the  help of carbon dioxide and water this process is called photosynthesis.
10)Saprotrophs:- Organism  which take their  nutrients from dead and decaying matter are called Saprotrophs.
11)Saprotrophic:- Saprotrophs are drive their food by dead and decaying matter this mode of nutrition is called Saprotrophic.
12) Stomata:- Tiny pores of leaf surface help in absorb gases like CO2, O2 and release extra water are called stomata.

These are the important keynotes of Chapter 1 Nutrition in Plants.
Here is the Solution Of textbook CHAPTER 1 Nutrition In Plants.

Exercise Questions-

Ques 1. Why do organisms need to take food?
Ans. Living organisms need to take food for their survival. Food is essential for the growth and development of an organisms. The energy we get from food can be used to carry out various activities.

Ques 2. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.
Ans. Parasite
Parasite are organisms that depend upon another organism(host) for food and cause  harmful effects or diseases to the host.
Example:- Cuscuta(amarbel) , mosquito and head lice.
Saprotroph are organisms that obtain nutrition from dead  and decaying  organic matter.
Example:- Fungi and some bacteria.

Ques 3. How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?
Ans. Starch is formed in a green leaf during photosynthesis. Take a fresh green leaf from a plant during day time. Boil it for five minutes and place it in alcohol(spirit). Chlorophyll being soluble in spirit comes out of the leaf leaving behind a colour less leaf. Put a drop of iodine Solution on the blenched leaf. A blue black spot is formed, showing the presence of starch in the leaf.

Ques 4. Give a brief description of the process of synthetis of food in green plants.
Ans. Green plants manufacture food by a process called  Photosynthesis.
The process of photosynthesis is represented by:-

The essential for photosynthesis are:-
I) Chlorophyll in a green leaf.
II) Sunlight.
III)Water absorbed by the plants from the soil.
IV)Carbon dioxide absorbed from the air by the leaf through the stomata present on it.
I) The products in a green leaf is glucose sugar (C6H12O6)
II)Water vapour

Ques 5.Show with the help of a sketch that the plants are the ultimate source of food.

Ques 6. Fill in the blanks:-
a)Green plants are called ________ since  they synthesise their own food.
b) The food synthesised by the plants is stored as __________.
c)In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called ________.
d) During photosynthesis plants take in _________ and release _________.

Ques 7. Name the following:-
I)A parasitic plant with yellow,slender and tubular stem.
II)A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
III)The pores through which leaves exchange gases.
II) pitcher plant
III) stomata

Ques 8. Tick the correct answer:-
a)Amarbel is an example of
iii) saprotroph
Ans. ii)host

b)The plant which traps and feeds on insects is:-
i) Cuscata
ii)China rose
iii)Pitcher plant
iv) rose
Ans. iii) pitcher plant

Ques 9. Match the items given in column I with those in column II:
Column I.                                            ColumnII
i)Chlorophyll.                                  a)Bacteria
ii) Nitrogen.                                   b)Heterotrophs
iii)Amarbel.                                  c) Pitcher plant
iv)Animals.                                    d)Leaf
v)Insects.                                        e) Parasite

Ques 10. Mark 'T' if the statement is True and 'F' if it is False:
i)Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis.(T/F)
ii)Plants which synthesise their food themselves are called saprotrophs.(T/F)
iii)The product of photosynthesis is not a protein.(T/F)
iv)Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis.(T/F)
Ans. I)True
ii) False
iii) True
iv) True 

Ques 11. Choose the correct option from the following:-
Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?
I)root hair
iii)leaf veins
Ans.  ii) stomata
Ques 12. Choose the correct option from the following: 
Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:
i) roots 
ii) stem
iii) flowers
Ans (iv) leaves 

This is the complete solution and explaination of Chapter 1 NUTRITION IN PLANTS of Class 7 Science NCERT.

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