CHAPTER 5 THE FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE ANIMAL CELL PLANT CELL This article brings you the CBSE Class 9 Science notes on chapter 5 'FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE'. These chapter notes are prepared by the subject expert and cover every important topic from the chapter. In between these notes, exercise questions are provided. Students must solve these questions to test their understanding about the learned topics. These questions will help you to track your preparation level and get a hold on the subject. In this chapter 5 'FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE we cover following topics - Discovery of cell, Cell, Classification of organisms on the basis of Cell, Shape and size of the Cell, Diffusion, Osmosis, Types of Osmosis , Types of Osmotic Solutions, Plasma membrane or Cell membrane, Cell Wall, Function of Cell wall, Nucleus, Types of plastids, Cytoplasm, Cell Organelles, Functions of Vacuoles and Plastids, Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum. Important Notes Of CHAPTER 5 'FUNDAMENTAL UN...
NCERT Solutions of Class 6-10 Science and Maths for academic year 2020-21 are given here in a chapter-wise format, according to the latest CBSE guidelines. Visit now for solutions and proper explanation of NCERT SCIENCE and MATHS of class 6-10.