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Showing posts from August, 2020

CLASS 8 SCIENCE CHAPTER 7 Conservation of Plants And Animals SOLUTION for 2020-21

CHAPTER 7 \ CONSERVATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS Here is some important points and answer  of chapter 7 CONSERVATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS  NCERT science of class 8 which helps students to  better understand topics of chapter 7 CONSERVATION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. KEYNOTES OF CHAPTER 7: 1.BIODIVERSITY : BIODIVERSITY refers to the variety of living organisms in a specific area. 2. BIOSPHERE RESERVE :- BIOSPHERE RESERVE are the area meant for conservation of biodiversity. 3 .DEFORESTATION :- Cutting down of trees is called deforestation. 4. DESERTIFICATION:- The fertile land gets converted into deserts.It is called desertification. 5.ECOSYSTEM:- An ecosystem is  made of all the plants,animals and microorganisms  in an area along with non living components such as climate,soil,river deltas etc. 6 .Endangered species:- Endangered species   are those which are facing the danger of extinction. 7.Endemic species:-    Endemic species  are found only in ...


 Chapter 12  Reproduction in Plants   Here is some important points and answer  of chapter 12  REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS   NCERT science of class 7 which helps students to better understand the  topics of chapter.  Keynotes of Chap 12  1) Asexual reproduction:- In asexual reproduction plant can give rise to new plant without seeds. 2) Budding:- In  yeast  new yeast cell grown up with the help of bud like structure this process is known as budding  3. Embryo:- Developing  stage of zygote from the formation of seed is known as embryo. 4.Fertilisation :- the fusion of male and female gametes is known as fertilisation.   5. Ovule :- It is a female gametes of plant present in side of ovary. 6.Pollen grains :- Male gametes of plants present inside of anther. 7.Pollination :- The process of transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma. 8.Seed dispersal:-  Reaching of seeds on  the tip  of  the ovary ...